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Rightly do we regard this service as the supreme act of Christian worship and offer thanks to Him who gave it. All the love and devotion which are so freely poured out during the service and the infinite abundance of spiritual power which is called down from on high in response, are gathered together by the directing angel and shed abroad upon the world along with the benediction given by the celebrant.

Through the ceremony of the Holy Eucharist, each time it is celebrated, there passes forth into the world a wave of peace and strength, the effect of which can hardly be overrated; and this, which is indeed the primary object of the service, is achieved at every celebration, whether the priest be alone in his private oratory or ministering to a vast congregation in some magnificent cathedral.

Therefore it offers to us an unequaled opportunity of becoming laborers together with God, of doing Him true and laudable service by acting as channels of His Wondrous Power.

­From The Liturgy of The Liberal Catholic Church

In this service the people receive the blessing of Christ himself through the Most Holy Sacrament. The "Sanctissimum" is first exposed in the monstrance (pictured at right) for the adoration and veneration of the people. Then the priest, covering his hands with the humeral veil, takes the monstrance and gives the Solemn Benediction. The greatest devotion should mark this service.

­From The Liturgy of The Liberal Catholic Church

"This is one of the most beautiful of all the services of the Church, and yet one of the simplest. It has been called 'The Mass of the Evening,' because the same wonderful forces are given out in it as in the Holy Eucharist."

­ Rt. Rev. C.W. Leadbeater, Late Presiding Bishop of
  The Liberal Catholic Church

The pupose of the Service of Healing is two-fold; first, to bring spiritual upliftment to those who are in sore need thereof; secondly, to give some relief, when possible, to those who are suffering from various physical ills.

During the annointing and the laying on of hands the attitude of the patient should be that of love for our Lord Jesus Christ and confidence in His mighty power. The whole nature should be opened to the downpouring spiritual influence, even as a flower opens its petals to the sun. The less the thoughts of a person are centered upon himself/herself at this moment, the more the depths of his nature are responsive to the compassionate presence of the Christ, and the greater is the possibility of cure.

The greatest means of spiritual aid and physical healing is now given to the patient in the Holy Communion. No greater help both for body and soul can be offered than this, for with the reception of the sacred Host the human body becomes for a few hours a veritable shrine, radiating the glowing love and power of Jesus Christ.

­From The Liturgy of The Liberal Catholic Church

Vespers is one of the ancient canonical hours of the church, or portions of the divine office recited as an act of devotion. These are: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Complin. Vespers has become the most popular of these, being well adapted to use as a public evening service.

The psalms, heralded by the key-thoughts of their respective antiphons, serve to attune the mind to the glory of the deity. The Little Chapter and hymn introduce other notes. Then the whole culminates in the great outpouring of praise at the Te Deum or the Magnificat and comes to a fitting conclusion in the peace and calm of the collects and final versicles.

­From The Liturgy of
 The Liberal Catholic Church



Baptism is a sacrament by which the recipient is solemnly admitted to membership of Christ's Holy Church and grafted into his mystical body.

The Ritual-
The exorcism is intended to deaden the germs of evil in infants, or to effect a preliminary purification in those more advanced in years.

The first anointing is, as indicated, for the strengthening and safeguarding of the candidate and is followed immediately by the baptism in the name of the Trinity and then by the second anointing with Holy Chrism, still further to strengthen him/her.

Where there is a doubt about the validity or completeness of a former baptism, the sacrament is re-administered conditionally. The pouring of the water symbolizes both the washing away of sin and the downpouring of power from on high.

The Holy Water font is usually placed near the entrance of the church to show that by baptism we gain admission to the church of God.

­From The Liturgy of The Liberal Catholic Church

Confirmation is, literally, the making of the person firm or strong in the life in Christ begun at Baptism. It has the two-fold effect of strengthening the soul and giving it greater power to express itself through the body.

The candidate pledges himself/herself to endeavor to set aside the smaller life of personal interests and to work for the common good. Having offered himself/herself thereunto as a knight in Christ's service, the sacramental act of confirmation follows and he/she is sealed once again with the sign of the Holy Cross, the emblem of the life of sacrifice and service.

­From The Liturgy of
 The Liberal Catholic Church

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